Saturday, December 10, 2016

Concluding Chapter

Concluding Chapter 

Yes, after taking this class I now have a better understanding of what photojournalism is. After going through modules I have come up with a perfect way to define photojournalism, which is the way how we communicate with others by using still images. Theses’ images can be located in a variety of sources i.e.: magazines, books and social media. I have seen photojournalism grow from back when the first camera was made until this present day. Through that time, I have been educated by various of methods that photojournalism has used. So when this question was asked at the start of the year I had some kind of knowledge on photojournalism but now I know a lot about it.

It’s very important to know the history of photojournalism because before this course I didn’t know the obstacles that journalist had to face when trying to take picture. During the civil war photojournalist had to carry a lot of heavy equipment just to take photographs and because it was so heavy it was hard to take multiple shots on a particular thing. I also didn’t know the challenges that photojournalist took so they could get their picture. So what I’m trying to say that it’s important for students to be educated about their past and what it was like for them to doing specific things. In today’s society we don’t face as many challenges as them because it’s all about smaller devices that contain a large sum of features.

When I was doing research on Kenji Nagai for module 14 I started to find out what kind of photojournalist he was. Kenji was a photojournalist that took pictures in dangerous places and he took risks that could have ended his life.  He was later killed by a solider but my Ah-ha moment was making a product that allows photojournalist to get up close when a war is going on and they won’t run the risk of being killed. This will allow them to take more pictures because they won’t have

I do think Photographs to change the world because I believe it can change how people think about events. In today’s society people are more likely to look at a picture of a subject rather then read the article. So in that case photographs are changing the world. The good then about photographs is that it can be about anything that is a talking point in the world. Topics like politics and economy can easily be summarized in a photograph


I learnt from Linnea Herbertsson that Paul Hansen, a famous photojournalist took his camera with him so he could have the courage to socialize with others and not be awkward. I thought that this was really interesting because from that stage onwards he became a well know photographer in Sweden. Another point that I found interesting was from Robbie Ollari when he pointed out that Neil Leifer, an award winning photojournalist had his work published in more than 200 sports illustrated and people covers. I found this intriguing because Neil started from the bottom and worked his way up to the top and now his work is seen across the globe. Lastly Mercy Dankyi – Amoah stated that David Guttenfleeder moved to east Africa and leant the native language of Swahili. I thought this was inspiring considering that in the US and decided to move and freelance in a different country.

When looking at the Creative Experiential Exercise I have found out that my knowledge for taking pictures has improved because I know now what grabs people attention when planning to take pictures. So I decided to download clashot on my phone were it is much easier to upload pictures straight from my phone. With technology growing in today’s society it just shows that you can still take quality pictures from an IPhone and sell online and that is why I think photojournalism is growing now a day because lest equipment is needed to travel because you have these gadgets that can do multiple things at once.


 Creative Experiential Exercise:

By Matthew Jones 

The pictures that I have selected have had a huge impact in photojournalism. They may have a more effect on me because their pictures that I am fond off but I am sure that others will appreciate this in the photojournalism world. The amazing thing on photojournalism is that anyone can take part in it. There is no qualification that is needed. It’s simple just picking up a device and letting your imagination doing the rest. As I have said before technology is improving everyday as there are multiple ways to capture something truly amazing.

By Matthew Jones

So as required for this assignment I took three images that I thought were attractive to look at. The first image that I used involves one of my dogs in a still position looking towards me. The other thing that makes this stand out is the background to this, you can see the trees in the background with the sun glaring on them. The second picture that I took off was at the back of a house. I like this pictures because there is a variety of layers to this picture which I think makes it unique to look at. Also I took it because it was a nice day out in England and we don’t get many of those. Lastly my third picture that I was able to take was another picture involving my dog going to the park. Again what highlights this is the background of this image. The way you can see the trees and the fact that the skies are clear. People wouldn’t believe that this was taken on the same day as the first picture.

By Matthew Jones 

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